Monday, September 6, 2010

The quest for the ulitmate question...

On the recommendation of a fellow Blogger, I searched for Jamie McKenzie's work on questioning techniques and found his work most intriguing. The one suggestion he makes, is posing a Daily research question:

Strategy Three - The Daily Research Question

Each day begins with students walking into the classroom to note an intriguing research question on the board. Puzzles, riddles and curious questions that can be answered reasonably well without months of study. These should require some thought and ingenuity, not be mere trivial pursuit. They should be highly motivating and captivating.

The only thing is, to formulate these highly motivating and captivating questions...


  1. Kath, re Daily Research Questions - no point in reinventing the wheel... I have a fabulous Mensa puzzle book I'll have to loan you - and you could always start with the "Queen's Riddle" ha ha!! I admit, Jamie makes it sound a tall order, but the kids could generate a list of topics that interest them, and practise formulating good research questions from those, which they might record and pop in a "question box" that you then sift through each day to find a good one for the "daily research"... Jamie would be immensely proud!

  2. Kath, I too loved McKenzie's 3 levels of questions. I'm thinking I might set up some questions (Daily,but to be 'done' weekly/fortnightly and maybe something once a term that might relate to an international event that term) on a notice board outside the Library, borrow some of Maria's chocolate frogs as rewards and see if it generates some interest!
